The Department of Oriental Studies was created on the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of International Relations dated 05/06/2014 by protocol No. 162-09.
The department employs highly qualified specialists who have extensive experience in educational, methodological and professional translation work. The department employs such teachers as Ph.D. Tupalov G.Sh., who defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Ideological and artistic features of the poem Varka and Gulshah Ayuki” on 01/10/03 in 2013, Ph.D. Associate Professor Rakhmonov M.A. the Head of the department, who defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Al-Fihrist of Ibn an-Nadim as a source of Persian-Tajik literature” on 01/10/03 in 2019, Ph.D., Associate Professor Saidova F.Kh. she defended her PhD thesis on the topic “Kitob-us Saidanifittib-Al Beruni as a source of Tajik medical terms” on 02/10/22 in 2013, Ph.D., senior teacher Kamarov A.Z. on the topic “Cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries in the field of science and culture in the years of independence”, also Mahmudzoda M.K. on the topic “Features of ethical terms in the works of Hussein Voiz Koshifi and its comparison with the terms of Andar-ahlok Ibn Sino” he is conducting her scientific work.
The department graduates specialists in the field of international relations and referent-translator. Master’s and applicants also study at the department.
The department conducts scientific work in the field of international relations. The scientific theme of the department is “Development of relations of the Republic of Tajikistan with the countries of the East in the field of science, education and culture.” And also at the department there is an interfaculty scientific seminar “Payomi shark”, designed for a wide range of participants, primarily students, graduate students and young scientists interested in the languages and culture of the East under the leadership of Ph.D. Tupalova G.Sh.
Research activities
Main directions of research work:
– Development of relations of the Republic of Tajikistan with the countries of the East in the field of science, education and culture.
– Strengthening and expanding political and humanitarian ties of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries.
– Directions and priorities of humanitarian cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries at the present time.
– Establishment and development of scientific and cultural relations between Tajikistan and Saudi Arabia.
– Republic of Tajikistan and United Arab Emirates on Issues and priorities of scientific and cultural cooperation.
-Scientific and cultural cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries over the years of independence.
Educational activities:
Teachers of the department are mainly engaged in teaching Arabic and Chinese languages, theory and practice of diplomatic translation. Arabic and Chinese are taught as subsidiary foreign languages for students of the department’s specialties from the first to the third year. Students of the Faculty of International Relations are taught the subject “Arabic and Chinese languages”, and teaching these languages begins with the alphabet.
The subject “Arabic and Chinese” in the first and second semester provides students with sufficient information on its grammar, phonetics and vocabulary. During the learning process, students master the methods of forming words and creating simple and complex phrases and sentences, and in practical classes they correctly and without errors perform various exercises to strengthen grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, and develop written and oral skills. They learn to read and translate texts. In subsequent years, students study diplomatic texts and dialogues and, in the process, fully learn to speak these languages.
Educational works
All teachers of the department actively participate in the education of students. At the same time, they are tutors of academic groups and discuss various areas of education in tutorial classes. They are also responsible for the educational process of some faculties, who regularly give lectures on various topics. They are on duty at the department, faculty and dormitories. They contribute to the cultural, political and educational activities of the faculty and the university.
Teachers of the Department of Oriental Studies plan to write a number of textbooks.
To date, teachers of the department have published the following textbooks and monographs:
11. Tupalov G.Sh., Rakhmonov M.A., Dodarov O., Kamarov A.Z., “Textbook of the Arabic language” Dushanbe – 2015. – 202 p.
12. Rakhmonov M. A. Ibn an-Nadim and his al-Fihrist. Monograph, Dushanbe -2022, 160 p.
13. Tupalov G.Sh., “Ayukiya his novel Varka and Gulshakh” Monograph. Dushanbe – 2017.-112 p.
14. Tupalov G.Sh., “A manual on the Arabic language for independent work of students.” – Dushanbe – 2019. – 114 p.
15. Kamarov A.Z., “Arabic for beginners” Dushanbe-2018 “Ashurien”, 206 p.
16. Kamarov A.Z., “Arabic for beginners.” –Dushanbe, – 2019. – 206 p.
17. Kamarov A.Z., “Arabic language for diplomats.” – Dushanbe, “Ashurien”. – 2017. – 208 p.
18. Makhmudzoda M.K., “Relationship of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries” (reading texts) Dushanbe – 2018.- 192 p.
19. Saidova F.Kh., “Kitob-us Saidana fit tib” – Al Beruni” monograph, Dushanbe-2017 240 p.
20. Saidova F.Kh., “Arabic-Tajik phrasebook” Dushanbe -2019,- 216 p.
In the future, the department plans to continue working in various areas with domestic and foreign universities.

Tel.: +992 9891536 83
Address: Sino district, N. 8a Makhsum street apt 22
SPIN code: 2339-3392
Rakhmonov Mekhrovar Amonidinovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Born on April the 16th in 1983 in Isfara. In 1989 he went to the first grade of the secondary school No. 53 in Isfara and graduated from this school in 2000. In 2006 he graduated from the Tajik National University with a degree of Oriental studies and Arabic philology. In 2011-2015 he was a postgraduate student in the correspondence division of the Department of History of Tajik Literature and conducted his research activities on the topic “Al-Fekhrist of Ibn an-Nadim as a source of Persian-Tajik literature.”
In 2019, he defended his thesis on the topic “Al-fekhrist of Ibn an-Nadim as a source of Persian-Tajik literature” in the specialty 10.01.03 – History of foreign countries (philological sciences). He is the author of more than 20 scientific articles, 5 educational programs, 1 monograph and 1 textbook.
Since September the 1st in 2009, he worked as an assistant at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of History of Tajik National University. During his career, he held various positions, including Secretary of the Methodological Council of the Faculty of International Relations (2009-2012), Chairman of the Faculty’s Supervisory Board (2010-2011), Deputy Dean for Educational Work of the Faculty of International Relations (2011-2014). He was the acting Head of the Department of Oriental Studies (from 07/08/2019 to 02/28/2020), He is Head of the Department of Oriental Studies (from 02/28/2020) to the present.

Tel.: +992 988 57 77 37
Address:Firdavsi district 65Firdavsi street, apt. 2
SPIN code: 7274-9111
Mahmudzoda Munirai Kanoatshokh
Born on May the 26th in 1992 in Dushanbe. In 1998 she went to the first grade at the secondary school No. 77 in Dushanbe and left it in 2009. In 2014 she graduated from the Tajik National University with a degree of Oriental studies and Arabic philology. Since 2018, he has been a postgraduate for the department of history of language and typology of the Faculty of Philology and has been conducting her scientific research on the topic “Ethical terms of the works of Hussein Waizi Koshifi and its comparison with “Andar ahlok” by Ibn Sina.”
On September the 1st in 2016, she was appointed as an assistant at the Department of Oriental Studies of Faculty of International Relations of Tajik National University.

Tel.: +992 918648810
Address:Rudaki district. Loyob village. House No. 20
SPIN code: 3800-6430
Tupalov Gazibeg Shakhobidinovich
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Born on June the 22nd in 1980 in Rudaki district. In 1987 he went to the first grade to the secondary school No. 154 Rudaki district and left it in 1997. In 2006 he graduated from the Tajik National University with a degree of Oriental studies and Arabic philology. In 2007-2011 he was a postgraduate student in the correspondence division of the Department of History of Tajik Literature and conducted his research activity on the topic “Ideological and artistic features of the poem “Varka and Gulshakh” by Ayuki.”
In 2013, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Ideological and artistic features of the poem “Varka and Gulshakh” by Ayuki” in the specialty 10.01.03 – History of foreign countries (philological sciences). He was the author of 25 scientific articles, 6 training programs, 1 monograph and 2 textbooks.
On September the 1st in 2007, he was appointed as an assistant at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of History of Tajik National University. During his career, he held various positions, as deputy dean for academic affairs of the Faculty of International Relations (2009-2012), head of the Department of Foreign Languages (from 2012 to 2016), head of the Department of Eastern Studies (from 2016 to 2020), and from 2020 to the present he is working as an associate professor at the Department of Oriental Studies.

Tel.: +992 918 61 88 22
Suroga: Firdavsi district, 21/3 A. Dehoti street, apt 33
SPIN code: 6893-2368
Saidova Farzona Khomidovna
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Born on January on the 1st in 1985 in Dushanbe. In 1991 she went to first grade at the secondary school No. 98 in Dushanbe and left it in 2000. In 2001 she graduated from Tajik National University with a degree of Oriental studies and Arabic philology. In 2007-2010 she was a full-time postgraduate student at the Department of History of Language and Typology and conducted her research activity on the topic “Kitab-us-saidana fit-tib Al Beruni as a source of Tajik medical terminology.”
In 2013, she defended her dissertation on the topic “Kitab-us-saydana fit-tib Al Beruni as a source of Tajik medical terminology” in the specialty 01.01.22 – Languages of the peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, Native Americans and Australia (philological sciences). She is the author of 20 scientific articles, 1 monograph and 1 textbook.
Since September the 1st in 2006, she worked as an assistant at the Department of International Relations of the Faculty of History of Tajik National University. Since 2018, she worked as a senior teacher at the Department of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of International Relations, and since 2021, she has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Oriental Studies of the Faculty of International Relations.

Tel.: +992 915150255
Address: Ismoili Somoni district, Shafak street, building 10/2a.
SPIN code: 4194-0333
Kamarov Asliddin Zainitdinovich
Ph.D. Senior teacher
He was born on September 13th in 1989 in Dushanbe. In 1996, he went to the first grade of the secondary school No. 62 in Dushanbe and left it in 2007. In 2012 he graduated from the Tajik National University with a degree of oriental studies and philology. In 2013, he worked as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Arabic Philology of the Faculty of Asian and European Languages of TNU.
On September the 1st in 2014, he was employed as an assistant at the Department of Oriental Studies of Faculty of International Relations of Tajik National University. Since 2023 he has been working as a senior teacher in this department. During his career, he was the head of Payomi Shark club at the department (2017-2018).
In 2016-2019, he was a postgraduate student in the correspondence division of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and conducted his scientific research on the topic “Scientific and cultural cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries during the period of independence.”
In 2023, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Scientific and cultural cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with Arab countries during the period of independence (1991-2016)” in the specialty 07.00.15 – History of international relations and foreign policy (historical sciences). He is the author of 4 textbooks, training programs, teaching aids and more than 15 scientific and journalistic articles.