History of the creation of the department
The Department of International Relations was formed in 1998 as part of the Department of New and Contemporary History of Foreign States of the Faculty of History, with the aim of training specialists in the field of foreign policy and diplomacy to protect the national interests of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Until 2002, the head of the newly formed department was Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, T. Mukhiddinov. From May 2002 to 2008, the department was headed by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Sh.Z. Imomov. From 2008 to 2013 Doctor of Historical Sciences N.M. Mirzoev was the head of the department of international relations.
In connection with the formation of the Faculty of International Relations in 2011, the department was transferred to the specified faculty, where it functions to the present day. The head of the department from September 2013 to December 2021 was Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Nuriddinov R.Sh. From December 2021 to May 12, 2023, the acting head of the department was Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Nuriddin P.R., from May 12, 2023 to this day, the head of the department is Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Sharipov A.N.
The department was created in order to develop students’ fundamental knowledge in the field of international relations, competent, specialized training and preparation of bachelors, master’s students, doctoral students in the field of International Relations, knowledgeable and responsive to the national interests of the Republic of Tajikistan and competitive in the modern labor market. When studying the direction of international relations, students study in depth at least one of the oriental languages, as well as European languages (Arabic, Chinese, English and German), classes in Chinese are taught by native speakers.
At the Department of International Relations, two full-time students are engaged in scientific research.
Also at the department, three third-year PhD doctoral students, three second-year PhD doctoral students, and two first-year PhD doctoral students are engaged in scientific activities.
It should be noted that there are 7 master’s students in the first year and 6 master’s students in the second year.
The Department of International Relations, in order to increase the level of knowledge of students, has established fruitful cooperation with government and scientific institutions – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Administration of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Center for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Institute of Asian Studies and Europe, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Central Scientific Library and invites representatives of these institutions to conduct classes in the specialty.
At the department there is a club “Specialists of IR”, which is headed by the senior teacher of the department Kh.B. Payvandov. Club members constantly participate in the social and scientific life of the faculty and university. Representatives of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ministries and departments, ambassadors accredited in the city of Dushanbe and representatives of international organizations take part in the work of the club, which helps to increase the level of knowledge of students and the prestige of the department.
Research activities
Main directions of research work:
The Department of International Relations is engaged in scientific activities on one topic “Theoretical and practical foundations of international relations, world politics and modern geopolitical processes,” which consists of 11 sections.
• Theory and practice of foreign policy and international relations of the 21st century;
• The Republic of Tajikistan in the system of regional and international relations;
• History of the formation and development of relations between the Tajik and Kazakh peoples in the 16th-20th centuries;
• Tajik-Russian relations during the years of independence;
• Main directions and priorities of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the European Union in the context of the new strategy of the European Union;
• The essence and prerequisites for the emergence of extremism in the modern world;
• History of the formation and evolution of cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Korea during the period of independence (1991-2018);
• Energy diplomacy of the Republic of Tajikistan;
• Scientific and cultural cooperation of the Republic of Tajikistan with the People’s Republic of China during the years of independence (1991-2018);
• Youth joining extremist, terrorist parties and movements, using the example of the Republic of Tajikistan;
• Formation and development of relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the states of the South Caucasus (using the example of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Armenia).
The scientific leadership of the department’s research activities is Associate Professor Sharipov A.N. performers: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Malikov M. Kh., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Samiev Kh. D., Senior teacher Basirov B.S., Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior teacher Payvandov Kh. B., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior teacher Gairatova F. A., Candidate of Historical Sciences, assistant Mirzoev Kh. T., Candidate of Political Sciences, Nuriddin P.R., assistant Fayzulloev K.S., assistant Ismatova N., assistant Sulaimonova A.M.
Academic activities:
The Department of International Relations includes a number of compulsory subjects and special courses at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels, which are taught at the required level by qualified, experienced and talented young teachers.
At the Department of International Relations, all academic disciplines are provided with curricula and programs, which are prepared annually before the start of the academic year and approved by the head of the department, the scientific and methodological council and the dean of the faculty.
It should be noted that the specialty curricula developed by teachers fully comply with the standards approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan.
The department strives to provide specialty disciplines with textbooks and other educational materials, and programs in Tajik, Russian and English.
Bachelor’s degree in international relations (23-010100)
General disciplines:
• Tajik language;
• Russian language;
• History of the Tajik people;
• Philosophy;
• Logic;
• Sociology;
• Religious Studies;
• Political science;
• Theory of state and law
• Economic theory;
• International law;
• Civil defense;
• Ecology.
Disciplines by specialty
• Analysis and forecasting;
• Introduction to international relations;
• Geopolitics;
• Information Security;
• Information technology;
• Information and analytical activities in international relations;
• Islamic factor in international relations;
• History of international relations;
• Logic of international relations;
• Scientific research methodology;
• World politics;
• Fundamentals of international politics;
• Political technology;
• Political systems of foreign countries;
• Processes of globalization of the modern world;
• Modern international relations;
• Sociology of international relations;
• Area studies;
• Tajikistan in the new system of geopolitics;
• Tajikistan-Russia: strategic partners;
• Theory of international relations;
• Theory of political negotiations;
• Technology of political negotiations;
Master’s in International Relations
Disciplines by specialty
• History and theory of international relations;
• National and information security;
• Scientific research methodology;
• Introduction to international relations;
• Theory of political negotiations;
• Globalization processes of the modern world
• Analysis and forecasting;
• Political technology;
• Information technology;
• Tajikistan in the new geopolitical system;
• Tajikistan-Russia: strategic partners.
Doctoral studies (PhD) in specialty
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in the specialty lasts 3 years. Font specialization is 6D 020200 – International Relations and the degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The form of studing is full-time, and the studing contract is 8,000 somoni (for foreigners 16,000 somoni).
Main publications of the department
The department strives to provide specialty disciplines with textbooks and other educational materials, and programs in Tajik, Russian and English. It should be noted that the department has a significant number of textbooks on the specialty of international relations, including:
Шарипов А.Н., Асосҳои дипломатия. Душанбе: ЭР-Граф. –2022. -324с.
- Шарипов А.Н./Таърихи муносибатҳои байналхалқӣ (давраи қадим ва асрҳои миёна) Душанбе: Сармад компания, 2016, 244 с.
- Шарипов А.Н. Масъалаҳои мубрами Шарқи муосир Душанбе, Пойтахт, 2016, 176 с.
- Шарипов А.Н. Фарҳанги мухтасари истилоҳоти дипломатӣ. Душанбе, «Андалеб», 2015, 264 с.
- Шарипов А.Н Моделҳои муваффақи Шарқ Душанбе, Сармад компания, 2016, 156 с.
- Муносибатҳои байналхалқии муосир.
- Махмадов П. А. Шарипов А.Н Хадамоти дипломатии кишварҳои хориҷӣ.
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Дипломатия. Китоби дарсӣ. Душанбе: «ЭР–граф», 2017. – 576 с. 36 / 18;
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Дипломатияи иқтисодӣ. Китоби дарсӣ. Душанбе: Матбааи Донишгоҳи миллии Тоҷикистон, 2020. – 256 с. 16 / 7 ҷ.ч.
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Назарияи муносибатҳои байналхалқӣ. Нашри дуюми иловадор. Китоби дарсӣ. Душанбе: Матбааи ДМТ, 2020. – 450 с. 28,18 / 10,5 ҷ.ч;
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Сиёсати ҷаҳонӣ. Китоби дарсӣ. – Душанбе: «Таъминотчӣ», 2017. – 352 с;
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Суҳбатҳои дипломатӣ. Воситаи таълимӣ. Нашри дуюми такмилёфта. Дастури таълимӣ. Душанбе: «Таъминотчӣ», 2018. – 236 с.
- Нуриддинов Р.Ш., Нуриддин П.Р. Фаъолияти иттилоотӣ таҳлилӣ дар муносибатҳои байналхалқӣ. Нашри дуюми такмилёфта. Китоби дарсӣ. Душанбе: «Эр-граф», 2018. – 490 с.
- Самиев Х.Д. Гуфторҳо дар бораи равобити байналмилал. Самиев Х. Д., Муҳиддинов Т. – Душанбе: ҶДММ «Олами дониш», 2014. – 251 с.
- Самиев Х.Д. Сотсиологияи муносибатҳои равобити байналмилал, Самиев Х. Д. Душанбе: Матбаи ДМТ, 2018. – 185 с.
- Самиев Х.Д., МуҳиддиновТ. Муқаддимаи фанни равобити байналмилал. Китоби дарсӣ. Самиев Х. Д., Муҳиддинов Т. – Душанбе: «Истеъдод», 2011. – 176 с.

Head of Department
E-mail: amrsharif@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 988-50-10-11
Adress: Shamsi st 20, apt 9
Sharipov Amriddin Nuridinovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Born on May 28, 1978 in the Hisor district Tajik SSR. In 1985 went to first grade at secondary school №6 of this district. In 1999-2004 studied at TSNU, Faculty of History, Department of International Relations. From 2004-2007 was a graduate student at the Department of International Relations of the Tajik National University. Since 2006, lecturer at the Department of International Relations of the Tajik National University. From 2011 to 2012 he was deputy dean of the Faculty of International Relations for educational affairs. In 2012, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Dean of the Faculty of International Relations for Academic Affairs.
In 2011, he defended his candidate thesis on the topic “Diplomatic, trade, economic and cultural relations between Tajikistan and Kazakhstan (1991-2006)” with a specialty in domestic history – 07.00.02. Every year he participates in conferences and methodological seminars, in general he published 2 monographs, 50 scientific articles and 6 curricular and methodological materials. In 2013-2014 was acting Head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies. In 2014, he was elected to the position of head of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies at the Faculty of International Relations.
He has government awards of the Republic of Tajikistan – excellent in education and science. In 2017-2018 was acting Head of the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. From April 2018 to May 2023, he was an associate professor at the Department of Diplomacy and Foreign Policy of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Since May 12, 2023 he has been the head of the Department of International Relations.

Associate Professor of the Department
E-mail: samiev.kholakhmad@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 918-79-90-91
Adress: Al Beruni st 1, apt 2
Samiev Kholahmad Davlatovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Born on September 24, 1960 in the village of Archa, Farkhor district in a working-class family. In 1977, after graduating from secondary school №8 of the district, he entered the history department of the Tajik State University, after which he served as an officer in the ranks of the Soviet Army in 1982-1984. In 1984-1987 – teacher of history and humanities at school №3 of the Farkhor district, in 1987-1989 – teacher in the history department of the Kulob Pedagogical Institute. In 1989-1993 he was an intern and then a graduate student at the Department of Political History of the Tajik State University. In 1993-1997 he worked as a research fellow at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. In 1994, he defended his candidate thesis on the history of political parties and popular movements, dedicated to the historical fate of the Tajik intellectuals during the formative years of the so-called socialist society (1921-1938). From 1997 to the present, he has been working as an associate professor at the Tajik National University, first at the Department of Contemporary History of Foreign Countries, and since 2002 at the Department of International Relations of the university. In 2008-2011 he was dean of the Faculty of History, and in 2011-2022 – dean of the Faculty of International Relations. Currently he is an assistant professor at the Department of International Relations.
Author of more than 40 works and articles devoted to the life of the Tajik people’s intellectuals in the turbulent 20-30s of the twentieth century and various aspects of foreign policy and international relations. 6 teachers of the faculty defended their candidate dissertations under the guidance of Samiev Kh.D. As part of his professional development, he took advanced training courses at MSIIR (Zvenigorod, Moscow, 2000) and diplomatic courses at the State Universities of the Arab Republic of Egypt (Cairo, 2006) and the People’s Republic of China (Beijing, 2010).

Acting Associate Professor of the Department
E-mail: m.koba@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 501003070
Adress: N.Qaraboev st, 239
Malikov Qobilsho Kukanovich
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor
Born in 1965 in the Pyanj district of the Kurgan-Tube region. In 1983 he graduated with honors from secondary school №21 of the Pyanj district. From 1984 to 1986, he served in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops. Awarded state awards.
In 1987 he entered the Higher Komsomol School under the Central Committee of the Komsomol of the USSR in Moscow, which he successfully graduated from in 1991. From 1991 to 1993, he worked in various positions in government agencies in the Pyanj district.
From 1993 to 1996 he studied political science at the graduate school of the Moscow Academy of Social Sciences and Humanities. Candidate of Political Sciences. From 1997 to 1999 he studied at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Foreign Ministry. From 1993 to 2021, he worked in various positions in government structures, international organizations, commercial companies and higher educational institutions in Moscow. In particular, from 2014 to 2019 he worked as an associate professor at the Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. From 2021 to 2023 he worked at the Tajik State University of Commerce. From September 2023 to the present, he has been working at the Department of International Relations of the Tajik National University.

Senior teacher of the Department
E-mail: fotima.gairatova.84@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 915 19 18 60
Adress: Firdawsi district, N.Qaraboev st 82/2, apt 31
Ghayratova Fotima Aslamshoevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior teacher
Born on April 19, 1982 in the city of Kulob. In 1989 went to first grade at secondary school №76 Firdawsi district, Dushanbe and graduated from this school in 1999. In 2005 she graduated from the Faculty of History of the Tajik National University.
Simultaneously with studies from 2001 to 2009 was a senior secretary at the Department of New and Contemporary History of Foreign Countries. In 2009-2012 worked at the Research Institute at TNU as a junior researcher. In 2012-2015 was the scientific secretary of the research institute. In 2015, she was a secretary at the Department of International Relations. In 2015-2018 worked as an assistant at the department of international relations. Since 2019, she has been working as a senior lecturer in this department.
From August 2017 to January 2021, she held the position of Deputy Dean for Education at the Faculty of International Relations.
In 2016-2019 was an applicant for the Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, TNU. She defended her dissertation on the topic “Youth extremism in Central Asia: the essence and problems of combating it” in the specialty 07.00.15 – History of international relations and foreign policy (historical sciences). Author of 18 scientific articles and 3 curricular programs.

Senior teacher of the Department
E-mail: khayriddinjon@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 98 556 2530
Adress: Shohmansur district, 1 May st 178/2, apt 3
Payvandov Khayriddin Boymurodovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior teacher
Born in 1989, has higher education. In 2013 he graduated from the Tajik State National University (now the Tajik National University) with a degree in international relations. In 2019, he graduated with honors from graduate school at the Tajik National University.
In 2014-2018 was an assistant at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies. Since 2019, he has been a senior lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Tajik National University. Since 2017, he has held the position of Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Researchers of the Faculty of International Relations of the Tajik National University.
In 2021, he defended his candidate thesis on the topic “Cooperation between the Republic of Tajikistan and the countries of Southeast Asia (using the example of Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore) during the period of independence” in the specialty 07.00.15. — History of international relations and foreign policy (historical sciences).
Author of 2 textbooks, more than 20 scientific and publicistic articles, 2 curricular programs and 1 monograph, and he is also a researcher on international relations, regional studies, diplomacy and foreign policy.

Senior teacher of the Department
E-mail: diplomat.tj94@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 933 60 94 94
Adress: I. Somoni district, Zahmatobod st, apt 18.
SPIN-code: 3577-8625
Mirzoev Habibjon Tabrikjonovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior teacher
Born on February 26, 1994 in the Republic of Tajikistan. In 2001, went to the first grade of secondary school №4 in the district of Ayni and graduated from this school in 2012. In 2017, he graduated with honors from the Tajik National University with a degree in international relations, translator and assistant. In the period 2018-2021, he was an applicant at the Research Institute at TNU, and researched on the topic “Scientific and cultural relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the People’s Republic of China during the period of independence (1991-2020).”
From 2016 to 2018, junior researcher at the Department of Humanitarian Science of the Research Institute at TNU. From 2018 to 2022, he was the Chairman of the Curatorial Council of the Faculty of International Relations. Since 2018 he has been a teacher at the Department of International Relations. In 2019, he was a scientific consultant in the specialty of information and analytical activities at the Ministry of Education, and since September 1, 2022, he has been working as a first-level academic advisor at the Faculty of International Relations of the Tajik National University.
In 2021, he defended his candidate thesis on the topic “Scientific and cultural relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the People’s Republic of China during the period of independence (1991-2020)” in the specialty 07.00.15 – History of international relations and foreign policy (historical sciences). He is the author of 90 scientific and publicistic articles, 1 curricular program and 1 monograph.

Senior teacher of the Department
E-mail: basir@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 907-58-78-88
Adress: Vahdat city, Salimzoda st 30, apt 36
SPIN-code: 5966-9890
Basirov Bakhtiyor Sattorovich
Senior teacher
Basirov Bakhtiyor Satorovich was born on January 18, 1984 in the city of Vahdat into an intelligent family. In 2001 after graduating from Lyceum School №4, he entered the Tajik State National University and graduated in 2006 with a degree in international relations.
From 2010 to 2012 he worked as a researcher at the Center for Tajiks and Persian-speaking peoples of the world, of Research Institute (RI) of the Tajik National University. Since 2013 to 2014 was an assistant at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies of the Faculty of International Relations. Since 2014 to 2018 Assistant at the Department of International Relations. From 2019 till now he is a senior lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Faculty of International Relations, Tajik National University. During this period, he taught basic lecture courses for students studying in the specialty of international relations, such as, information and analytical activities in IR, foreign regional studies, diplomacy and foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan. At the same time, he was the head of the “Young Diplomats” club (2013-2017), deputy dean for educational affairs (2013-2014), scientific secretary of the Faculty of International Relations (2013-2018), and from 2019 until 2022, Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Science and International Relations.
Conducts research work on the topic “Relationships of the Republic of Tajikistan with the European Union at the beginning of the 21st century.” He is the author of more than 20 scientific and publicistic articles and curricular programs in the main courses of international relations.

Department Assistant
E-mail: azmina_1997@mail.ru
Phone: (+992) 93-113-04-40
Adress: TNU Campus, building 11
Sulaymonova Azmina Muminjonovna
Born on November 24, 1997 in the city of Khujand. In 2014 she entered Tajik National University and in 2019 graduated it with a degree in international relations and the qualification of international relations specialist, translator-referent. Since August 2020 she has been an assistant at the Department of International Relations, and at the same time since 2021 she is an academic degree applicant for this department.

Department Assistant
E-mail: nazokat.ismatova@bk.ru
Phone: (+992) 900108975
Adress: Sino district, N makhsum st 71/2, apt 29
SPIN-code: 4198-3152
Ismatova Nazrbi Shirinshoevna
Born on October 15, 1975 in Muminabad district, Khatlon region. September 1982-1992 secondary school №12 Muminabad district. In 2010 she graduated from the Tajik National University. In 2013 she graduated from the Tajik State University of Commerce. In 2014-2017, postgraduate student at the Department of International Relations, Tajik National University.
From 2007 to 2011, methodologist at the dean’s office of the Faculty of Philosophy, Tajik National University. In 2012, senior inspector of the staff department and special units of TNU. From 2012 to 2014, supervisor at the Faculty of International Relations, Tajik National University. From 2014 to 2015 assistant at the Department of Tourism, International University of Tourism and Entrepreneurship of Tajikistan. From 2017 to 2018, researcher at the Institute for the Study of Asian and European Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan. In 2018-2022, senior lecturer at the Department of Philosophy and Culture of the Tajik State Pedagogical University named after S. Aini. From September 2022 to the present, he is an assistant at the Department of International Relations, Tajik National University.
Conducts research work on the topic “The formation and development of relations between the Republic of Tajikistan and the states of the South Caucasus during the period of independence.” Author of 10 scientific articles, 9 scientific publicisticc articles, 3 curricular programs.

Department Assistant
E-mail: komr8332@gmail.com
Phone: (+992) 935488332
Adress: Sino district, Mayakovskiy st 70/2, apt 308
SPIN-code: 6171-0603
Fayzulloev Komron Sultonovich
Born on January 1, 1991 in Yovon district. In 1997-2008 he studied at Lyceum №1 of this district. In 2008, he entered the specialty 23010100 – international relations of TNU and in 2013 graduated from the university with honors. In 2013-2015 he graduated from the Master’s program at the CIS Network University – Moscow Peoples’ Friendship University and Tajik National University.
From 2014 to 2017 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies of the Faculty of International Relations. In 2017-2021 he worked as an assistant at the Department of International Relations. Also in 2021-2023, after he passed the competition, worked as Deputy Head of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Labor, Migration and Employment of Population of the Republic of Tajikistan. Since September 2023, he has been an assistant at the Department of International Relations. While working at TNU in 2014-2017, he was the head of the “Regional expert” club at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies, and at the above departments he taught in the disciplines “Area Studies”, “International Organizations”, “Introduction to Regional Studies”, “History of International Relations”, “Geopolitics”, “Logic of International Relations” and others.
Since 2016, he has been an applicant for an academic degree at the Department of Foreign Regional Studies, and his research work is related to “Energy Diplomacy of the Republic of Tajikistan.” He is the author of 1 textbook, 6 scientific articles and more than 10 scientific publicistic articles.